Sunday, August 26, 2007

Time to Fertilize

It's now late August and time to think about fertilizing your Camellias, but what do you use? Since I do not want any more growth, I'm switching to more phosphate and potash. My plants have already had about as much nitrogen as they can handle so. it's time to start dropping off the nitrogen and increasing the phosphate and potash. To do this I use, 0 10 10 in liquid form, from Navlets in Concord. Use as directed on the bottle or a little lighter if you are growing in containers. More about this later. REE


Unknown said...

I'm switching to dormant in about a week. I've done my last growth fertilizing a little later than everyone else because I use it really diluted, and because it's not time release so it gets used up pretty quick. I have some 2-10-10 for dormant season which is granular.

Great website, I would like to link to you from!

Kristina said...

Thanks, Kristina. We have added a link to SoCalCamellias on our website. Thank you for added us to SoCalCamellias as well.

Anonymous said...

Along with fertilizing, is this the time when I can make cuttings?

Melanie said...

It doesn't look like this blog has been used in a long time, but I will ask my question anyway. I just bought a 100 year old house with a 1+ acre yard. It has lots of camellias. The camellias in front of the house windows have grown up so that they cover half of the window (I have pictures). I was wondering how to best severely trim these old beauties to beneath the windows without hurting them.